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Mon-Thu 9am - 8pm & Fri-Sat 9am - 5pm

Laser Thread Vein Removal

Remove unsightly facial thread veins, using the latest laser technology

  • Treatment administered by medical experts
  • Appointments 6 days a week
  • 23 years experience in safe laser treatment

Getting rid of unsightly thread veins is a treatment that many people desire, but very few people realise how simple the process actually is. Outline Clinic offers laser thread vein removal in Droitwich, Worcester, Bromsgrove and Worcestershire - To arrange a visit to our laser thread vein removal Worcestershire clinic please call 01905 795028.

Laser Thread Vein Removal

We use a Cynosure Elite + long pulsed laser to remove thread veins at our Droitwich Clinic.

The laser emits a beam of light that is absorbed by the blood vessels, whilst at the same time sparing the surrounding tissues and skin structures like melanin. This makes the treatment particularly safe, predictable and with minimal side effects.

The light heats the thread veins and causes damage to the walls of the vessels. The damaged thread veins are then removed by the body’s own natural immune system. Over a period of weeks the thread veins gradually reduce and disappear.

Facial Thread Veins

The laser is targeted very precisely at facial thread veins and the results from laser treatment are excellent.

As with any facial treatment, it is crucial that the treatment has minimal risk of scarring.

We have successfully removed facial thread veins for hundreds of men and women in the Worcester, Birmingham and Bromsgrove area with no scarring. Mary White, our prescribing nurse has over 23 years experience with lasers in the Dermatology Sector and can advise patients about the results that are likely to be achieved.

After laser treatment for facial thread veins, the treated area may appear red and flushed. Occasionally, very small bruises (about the size of pinheads) may occur for a couple of days. This is normal. Mineral makeup may be reapplied after treatment.

Step by Step Laser Thread Vein Removal

  • The first step to take is to book a consultation with one of our highly experienced Clinic Practitioners. You will run through your full medical history and the treatment will be explained to you. If you decide to go through with Laser thread vein treatment, an appointment with one of our practitioners will be arranged for you.

  • There may be redness and swelling after treatment for a few days, especially if you have had treatment under the eye area. If the veins were large you may also have some bruising which looks like grey/black dots. This is normal. You may apply Aloe Vera gel to soothe the area.

  • The laser will feel slightly warm as it passes over your skin. It has a gas cooling device that feels like a puff of air - this protects your skin. You will be required to protect your eyes with goggles during the treatment.

Summary of treatment

  • Procedure Time Typically 5-30 mins
  • Downtime 24-48 hours
  • Anaesthetic None
  • Risks / Complications Darkening of veins initially, loss of pigmentation, infection, swelling
  • Back To Work Immediately
  • Duration Of Results 1-3 years
  • Results Immediate; best results seen a few days after treatment


FAQ’s About Laser Thread Vein Removal


Vascular Laser TreatmentNurseTherapist
Spider Naevus (first lesion)£100£50
Per Additional£15£10
Cheeks and nose£249£153
Cherry Angioma (first lesion)£100£50
Per Additional£5£5