Chasing the Perfect Pout!

One of the most requested treatments that I carry out at Outline Aesthetic and Laser Clinic in Droitwich is lip augmentation and lip enhancement.
It seems that every female of a certain age wants lips like Kylie Jenner and after Botox treatment, lip enhancement is the second most requested treatment in our clinic.
There are all sorts of improvements we can make to lips, and it should never be a one-size-fits-all approach. Lips can need a simple border definition, or a cupids bow enhancement, of the full plumpness to the vermilion body that is so sought after.
Sadly I am often faced with correcting lips that have been treated by other practitioners with less than acceptable results. Dermal fillers can be administered in the UK by anybody who has completed a training course. These are sometimes just a few hours long and then the practitioner can give the treatment as a “trained” aesthetician.
I see top lips that are over-stuffed and totally out of proportion with the lower lip and I am also faced with the dreaded “duck-lips and fish-lips” which have a tendency to curl upwards at the outside edge and leaves the top lip over-hanging the lower lip at the edges. I see lumps of filler, badly placed and have also had lips that have been filled unevenly, with one side clearly bigger than the other. I have also had to dissolve filler in patients where the filler is placed so superficially that it appears as blebs or blisters on the lips.
When you are considering a treatment such as lip enhancement, it is vital to do your research and check that the practitioner you are using is fully medically qualified and has plenty of experience is treating the lip area. There can be complications that arise from lip enhancement and these have to be dealt with by a medical professional as a matter of urgency. Beauticians and non-medical practitioners are not qualified to deal with side-effects and problems that can occur from having a treatment that is medical by its nature.
There is a saying in life, “Buy Cheap, Buy Twice” and this has never been more true when it comes to lip enhancement treatment. There is a vast amount of disparity in the costs for lip enhancement but it is vital for your own safety and well-being that you choose a qualified practitioner and also one who has plenty of experience with lips and can show you actual before and after photos of their own work (not just stock manufacturer images). As a rule, please remember:
CHEAP Lip Treatments are Never GOOD, and GOOD Lip Treatments are never CHEAP!!